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Honouring Tradition and Achievement: 2024 Indigenous Graduation Ceremony

Events & Celebrations, Student Achievement
The Lig??i?dax?w Culture Group providing the first of a couple dances in honour of the graduates.

On June 6, graduating Indigenous students were honored with a special ceremony hosted by the Wei Wai Kum First Nation at the Kwanwatsi Big House.

Hereditary Chief Qua'ke'la zi James Quatell and Chief Christopher Roberts of the Wei Wai Kum Nation provided a welcome before graduates were drummed into the Big House by Will Henderson, Junior Henderson, Jason Wilson, and Andrew Puglas. The Lig??i?dax?w Culture Group performed the Ladies Dance, and after each graduate was individually called up and honored, they participated in the Umlala Fun Dance.

Chief Ronnie Chickite, Chief Darren Blaney, and Chief James Smith also shared their wisdom and congratulations with the graduates, and Superintendent Geoff Manning closed the ceremony with congratulations on behalf of the Board of 花季传媒视频 all staff in 花季传媒视频.

Throughout the evening, graduates received cedar headbands crafted by Elder Betty Nicolaye and cedar bentwood boxes from Spirit Works. Métis students were also gifted small sashes by Jackie Lever of the North Island Métis Association.

Special thanks to Humdsid Robert Duncan, who served as Yakindalla, the cultural knowledge keepers and the Indigenous Education Advisory Council for their guidance, and the SD72 Indigenous education team for organizing this memorable ceremony.

Congratulations to all 90 Indigenous students graduating this year!

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