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Financial Information

One of the most important jobs of the secretary-treasurer and the business department is the preparation and coordination of the district’s annual operating budget. The school district’s financial year runs from July 1 to June 30. From March to May each year, the finance department works with the Board of Education to set the budget for the next school year.  

Guiding Principles for Budget Decision Making

  • We will use a budget development process that is respectful, open, and consultative with all educational partners: employees, parents, schools, and the community. 
  • Resources, whether they are human, material or technological, will be allocated to best support student learning. 
  • We will be comprehensive and open when communicating budget information. 
  • Budget decisions will reflect the district’s strategic plan and priorities. 
  • The contingency reserve level will be annually managed to allow us to ensure operational effectiveness and to manage the risks towards our schools and student learning. 
  • School district initiatives outside of our K-12 mandate will be cost neutral. 
  • We will continuously strive to achieve efficiencies as a school district. 
  • We will approve a budget with integrity, taking into account fairness and equity. 

Our commitment to financial accountability includes making budget documents and financial statements available online.

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