Highlights: Board Meeting - December 17, 2024
The Campell River Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes for public board meetings can be accessed on the public board meeting agenda and minutes web page. Below is a summary of the highlights from the meeting or you can read this issue of the .
Chairperson Remarks - Holiday Message
Chairperson Kat Eddy opened the meeting extending warmest wishes to everyone in the Campbell River School District community as we approach the holidays.
Superintendent Remarks - Holiday Message
Superintendent Geoff Manning began his holiday message by reflecting on how quickly time has passed and extending warm holiday wishes to everyone in the Campbell River School District community.
Board Considers Changes to Governance Policy on Meetings
The Board of Education is considering changes to their board governance policy on meetings and is welcoming feedback before January 9.
Board Motions to be Brought Forward at BCSTA AGM
The Vancouver Island School Trustees’ Association (VISTA) have agreed to bring forward two motions proposed by the Campbell River Board of Education for provincial consideration at the BC School Trustees’ Association (BCSTA) annual general meeting.
Carihi Fire Update: Remediation Work Begins on Carihi B-Wing
Superintendent Manning provided the board with an update on the ongoing recovery efforts following the fire at Carihi Secondary.