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Carihi Grad 2025 Information & News

Carihi Grad Sponsors Contact:  carihi.grad@sd72.bc.ca 

Grad Parent Exec Meeting: 
The first Grad Parent Exec Meeting is TBD, an email will be sent out for any grad parents that would like to join the Grad Parent Exec for the grad class of 2025!

Students are reminded to check the Carihi Grads TEAMS page, Daily Announcements and this Grad Information & News page.  
Newsletters will also be sent out periodically with updates. 

The first fundraiser for Grad 2025 will be Poinsettias from Growing Smiles.   Info to be sent home early October. 

Important Dates: 

PROM - June 7th, 2025COMMENCEMENT - June 25th, 2025

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