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Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

The success of any school is measured by student success. Neither students nor schools are successful without the meaningful involvement of parents. At Sandowne Elementary we are truly grateful for the on-going involvement of parents, grandparents and community members.

Being on the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is one way for parents to get meaningfully involved - it is an opportunity to work together with other parents, for the betterment of our students and the school. Being an active member of PAC is a chance to learn about the school and how things are and can be done. It is an opportunity to be with your friends or get to know new ones with a common goal. It is a chance to have your voice heard and to have fun.

If you would like to find out more about how you can be involved with PAC, please email the PAC at sandowneparentadvisorycouncil@gmail.com. The Sandowne PAC has regularly scheduled meetings on the second Wednesday of the month starting at 6:30 p.m. in the library, unless otherwise scheduled. 

All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend PAC meetings.

Please join our group on Facebook under Sandowne PAC for updates and information.

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