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The parent is the first and most important teacher in a child's life.  Campbell River School District supports parents in this important role by providing a free, early learning program, called StrongStart, for young children from birth to kindergarten and their parents or caregivers.  Under the direction of licensed early childhood educators, parents and children participate in early learning activities, such as story time, music, singing, art and puzzles.

Children gain problem-solving skills and build self-esteem and the social skills that will help them when they enter school. Parents and caregivers learn activities that they can do at home to further support their child's learning and nutrition, as well as connect with other parents and caregivers.

While the program is free, parents do need to complete a registration form so that such items as emergency contact information is on file. Please bring your child's birth certificate with you to register.

KarenKaren Lutz, Sandowne Elementary StrongStart Facilitator

Karen brings 17 plus years working with children and their families, to her StrongStart position at Sandowne Elementary School.

Karen's early childhood experience has been in numerous capacities including teaching preschool, operating her own preschool facility for 10 years, supporting children with developmental delays as an educational assistant, instructing musical and movement classes, baby sign language classes and implementing parenting workshops. Karen has also worked with high risk youth during their most vulnerable times giving her a unique insight to the importance of quality early learning during the 'play years'.

Karen comes to her StrongStart position with a keen interest in developing relationships with her StrongStart families as an educator, parent and a facilitator building a connected community.

Karen enjoys spending time with her daughters exploring the outdoors, geocaching, kayaking, making crafts and being involved in Girl Guides together. Where ever there is an opportunity to build a community and meet new faces…Karen is found.

Karen invites all families to drop in and visit her StrongStart program and looks forward to meeting you and your children.

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