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Gator Den Update!

Gator Den

Hello Southgate Families!

Starting this Monday, September 9th, our Gator Den Canteen will be open for business!

The Gator Den canteen will be open Monday to Friday on school days during our lunch activity time (11:55am – 12:30 pm). Monday to Friday we will have a variety of snack items. Starting next Tuesday, September 10th, we will also have lunch specials Tuesdays and Thursdays from outside vendors (i.e. Panago, Dairy Queen, Booster Juice, Hot Dogs, Miki’s Sushi and more). We will post the menus for the canteen and the calendar of lunch specials, as well as any other special food days (popcorn day etc.) on our website and Facebook page. All items will be sold on a first come first served basis.

Please note that this a fundraiser and not meant to replace a nutritious packed lunch from home. Items will be priced accordingly. Attendance fluctuates so please send your student with food so that in the event we sell out of the lunch special they have something to eat! The Gator Den proceeds will be split between all homeroom teachers to plan field trips and special events for their students.

How it works:

Cards are available in $15 and $30 increments only. Purchase a Gator Den Card punch card by sending an e-transfer to southgate.accounting@sd72.bc.ca. Be sure to include your student’s full name, Advisory teacher name, and Gator Den Card in the comment field to ensure payment is applied correctly. Please DO NOT sent e-transfers to Southgate general email as we do not have access to depositing from this email and you will have to cancel the e-transfer. Cards will be available for pick up at the office before school, lunch, and after school after payment is received.

If you do not use e-transfer, your student can purchase Gator Den cards through the office by cash or cheque payable to Southgate Middle School before school, at lunch, or after school. If using cash, please make sure to have exact amount as we may not have change. Students will not be able to pay by cash at the Gator Den.

The Gator Den cards will have the student’s name and date of purchase. It’s important for students to store cards in a safe spot as we do not replace lost, damaged, or stolen cards. Don’t forget to check pockets before doing the laundry!

Please for Canteen Menu! Vendor schedule will be posted here when confirmed. We also post this information on our Facebook page:

We are hoping to get our September (and beyond) schedule posted on the website/Facebook today or tomorrow.

If you have any questions, please email southgate.accounting@sd72.bc.ca.


We are looking for parent volunteers to help at the Gator Den during lunch activity time. If you are interested in supporting our Gator Den Fundraiser, please send Leah Kay an email at leah.kay@sd72.bc.ca.

Thank you in advance for your support!!

Southgate Middle School
740 Holm Rd.
Campbell River, BC
V9W 1W6

Tel: 250-923-4253

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