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Clubs are offered through lunch or after school.  All clubs are open to all students of every grade, gender and ability unless explicitly noted.  

Updated: September 2024

Art Club

A chance to explore techniques and learn some new ones.  A place where you can catch up on your artwork and hang out with fellow art lovers.  Art club gathers Thursdays at 11:55 in the Art room with Mr. Orjala.

The Green Team 

If you are interested in practical, hands on experiences that help the environment or if you want to learn about gardening, come on out and help to improve Southgate's Green footprint.  The Green Team meet in the garden while the weather is still nice on Tuesdays at 11:55 a.m. with Mr. Seifert and Ms. Stevens.

Dungeons & Dragons

If you want to learn how to play D&D or are a seasoned player, this club is for you. Games are played in the Art room every Monday at 11:55 a.m with Mr. Bailey.

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