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Career Life Education 10

Career Life Education replaced Planning 10.  This program is solely dedicated to helping students determine how to get the best educational value in their final 6 semesters of secondary school. The goal of the program is to assist with good planning in these final semesters to facilitate a smooth transition to the world of work or post-secondary education.  This program is spread over 2 years with credit being granted at the end of the Grade 10 year. This program will be facilitated outside of the timetable using flex blocks and opportunities in the classroom.  Students should plan on making an appointment with the Career Facilitator starting in November. 

In Grade 9 students will be required to complete:

  • at least one career assessment
  • complete a resume using the new competencies with the assistance of the English 9 teachers and the Career Facilitator
  • attend a career interview with the Career Facilitator 
  • attend the Take Your Teen to Work activity in November during the Nation Wide Take Your Teen To Work Day
  • begin gathering evidence and placing it in their e-portfolio of things they are good at, things their strengths are areas of interest, areas they would like to improve upon, market research on trends in the workplace,etc. 
  • students should consistently check the hub (Sharepoint) for updates on assignments that need to be completed and due dates.
  • WHMIS and Safety training for the workplace
  • gathering any certificates they have obtained
  • begin their first work experience placement/observation

In Grade 10 students will be required to complete:

  • at least one more career assessment to confirm and narrow the opportunities and fields of interest
  • update their resume with skills obtained, special courses, new opportunities in sports or leadership or volunteer activities
  • complete the assignments as they relate to confidentiality in the workplace
  • complete the assignments as they pertain to safety and social media footprints
  • complete additional work on safety in the workplace
  • complete assignments on employment standards, rights and responsibilities
  • complete assignments on labor market trends
  • begin to develop their personal networks to explore apprenticeship and work placement opportunities. 
  • Attend a career interview with the career facilitator
  • Use their e-portfolio to gather the information required for the Careers 12 exit interview and portfolio presentation
  • choose courses in grade 11 and 12 that lead to a successful transition for secondary to post secondary or the world of work. 
  • begin to explore work experience opportunities through paid work or volunteer work as well as student requested work experience opportunities or job shadowing opportunities.
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