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Science 10

Science 10 gives an overview of the four branches of science.
Biology: ecology, biomes, nutrient cycles and food webs
Chemistry: compounds, reactions, acids, bases, nuclear reactions and half life
Physics: motion, velocity and acceleration
Earth Science: heat, climate and plate tectonics

Creative & Scientific Literacy 10

Have you ever wondered about the chemistry behind the sleeping potion that Juliet took to fake her own death or how the deathly poison that Romeo drank affected his body’s biology?  Have you ever been reading your favourite Zombie apocalypse novel and wondered if a deadly gene mutation could actually spark a global epidemic?  This course will offer students the opportunity to find answers to questions like these as it illuminates the connections between scientific knowledge and character’s emotional and psychological responses to lived experience shared through stories.  All of the literature students interact with will be tied to the themes and units of Science 10, including: astronomy and space, DNA and genetic engineering, chemistry, and energy conservation.  This course will have few formal tests and will focus on project based and experiential learning, with opportunities to visit the Planetarium and Science World in Vancouver, watch a professional live theatre production, and interact with guest speakers.  This course will cover the grade 10 Science, English Literacy Studies and Creative Writing curriculum, while offering students the opportunity to delve deeper into a topic of their choice in an ongoing Independent Study. This course offers 12 credits towards graduation, while satisfying the Science and English requirements for Grade 10.     

Chemistry 11

What a difference an electron makes! You will come to appreciate the truth of this statement as we investigate a wide variety of topics that lay down a broad foundation for future studies in Chemistry. You will be amazed at the intricacies of the atom, wowed by the great lab experiments, and your best friend will become the Periodic Table. Quantitative concepts such as the mole and stoichiometry are also included so that you can keep your algebra skills sharp. A short introduction to organic chemistry concludes this excellent course.

Physics 11

Top notch content:

1. Motion - How fast can Spiderman swing? How fast can Gandalf fall?
2. Dynamics - Is Superman a fake? Why is an SUV safer than a Smart Car?
3. Energy - How fast does the PNE roller coaster go?
4. Relativity - How can your parents become younger than you? Can Captain Kirk really beam up? You will make waves and you will use sophisticated equipment like spark timers, air tables, and meter sticks.

Anatomy & Physiology 12 Alternate Assessment Course

Love Human Biology but struggle with tests and exams? This course is designed for someone who wants to earn Biology 12 credits through comprehensive project based inquiry in place of formal tests and a final exam. All lectures and labs remain the same as the traditional Biology 12 course. In lieu of a final exam, students are expected to present a self-directed project. The alternate assessment does not make the course 'easier,' rather it expands critical thinking and deepens understanding of human biological systems. Students may also select an additional Independent Study 12 with this course.

Physics 12B

Physics 12B is an enriched curriculum that, along with regular Physics 12, is equivalent to a first-year university-level physics course.  Topics include:  Optics mirrors and lenses, Waves, Nuclear Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamics & Fluids, and Harmonic Motion.  Students taking this course must have already taken Physics 12 or taking it concurrently.  This class is intended for students who are planning on going into a post-secondary science or engineering program.

Life Science 11

Explore the amazing diversity of all living things. We will learn about the biggest, fastest, oldest, and oddest organisms, including the trillion or so which live in and on you right now! Biology 11 will require you to do many labs including dissections where we discover the complexity of life, and how living things are inter-related. 

Stream to Sea 11

Please click here to get to the Stream to Sea page. You can earn 8 credits for Stream to Sea and Biology 11 while doing a good portion of the class outside!

Earth Science 11

What causes earthquakes and why can’t we predict them? What’s the deal with climate change? Why are there sea shells on the tops of mountains? These are just some of the questions we will explore in Earth Science 11. We will cover Geology, Oceanography, Atmospheric

Science, and Astronomy. Earth Science 11 is a course designed for students who are excited by the workings of the natural world around them. Before registering in Earth Science, students should consult with their previous science teacher, counsellor, and parents.

Science for Citizens 11

The relationship between “Science” and “Technology” is introduced to the student in Science for Citizens. The technological principles students learn in the classroom setting are applied to labs they perform. Some topics covered include: energy, waste management, transportation, communication, health, space, resource management, recreation and the future.

Anatomy & Physiological 12 Traditional Assessment Course

Have you ever wondered how you can mix together over 100 trillion cells and have them function together as you? The human body is incredibly complex, and in Biology 12 we will explore that complexity in the structure and function of cells, tissues, and organ systems. You will be exposed to traditional style teaching in this offering of Biology 12. It is an academically rigorous course and you will be expected to have good attendance and work habits to be successful. There will be several labs, a major dissection project and a final exam. 

Chemistry 12

Every facet of the Chem 12 course relates to the central concept of Equilibrium.

Along the way, we find out why reaction rates are so variable, and how chemical systems attain and maintain balance. We then explore the nature of the equilibria involved in saturated solutions, acid-base systems and oxidation-reduction reactions. Applications of these topics to environmental problems and industrial situations are also discussed. 

A sound ability in algebra is necessary.

Physics 12

Content that engages your mind: a study of why the Universe works so well.

• Vector kinematics: What is the best way to throw a stick for your dog?
• Vector dynamics: Han Solo should be squashed.
• Work, energy and power: Is Wyle E.Coyote a fake?
• Momentum: Love your seat belt.
• Circular motion and gravitation: Weigh the earth.
• Electrostatics: Experience 300,000 volts.
• Electric Circuits: Shocking Power.
• Electromagnetism and induction:  Weigh an electron.

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