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English 116 at NIC

English 116-Essay Writing and Indigenous Perspective (through NIC as Independent Directed Study)

English 116 introduces university-level research and writing in the humanities and social sciences and/or natural sciences with specific focus on contemporary Indigenous issues in Canada.  Students will critically analyze and study the writing, oral and aural practices of Indigenous scholars and teachers in a variety of disciplines and settings. Emphasis is placed on respecting and interweaving non-Indigenous and Indigenous ways of knowing and research methodologies in writing in a post-secondary research paper.  Pre-requisite a "C" standing in English 12 or First Peoples English 12.  See Ms. Camerin to apply.  Applications are due no later than May 31, 2018.  Students will be required to purchase their books and pay NISU fees and Learner Resource Fees.  SD72 may assist with the cost of tuition. This program is only available 2nd semester of Grade 12 during Block B.  Prerequisite is a "C" in English 12.  

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